Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

First Aid Heart Attack

What should you do if one of your family exposed to a sudden heart attack? There are a few things to know about the heart attack. So we are not wrong in taking action First Aid Heart Attack.

Before taking rescue measures, the most important is to recognize the symptoms and confirm whether the complaint suffered a heart attack symptoms. Symptoms of a heart attack can vary from degrees of most mild to severe.
Symptoms of a heart attack are as follows:

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

How Stroke Prevention with Coffee and Green Tea

One of the causes of death in the world's most frightening is Stroke. Stroke is a disease that occurs nerve dysfunction due to sudden blood supply to a part of the brain so that blood circulation to the brain is disrupted. lack of blood flow and oxygen leads to a series of biochemical reactions, which can damage or kill nerve cells in the brain, causing paralysis of limbs, speech disorders, loss of consciousness.

One study conducted in Japan has recently shown that coffee and green tea can also help lower the risk of stroke.